Unite for the goal of health for the people
Oct 05, 2023
Geneva [Switzerland], October 5: World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General TedrosAdhanomGhebreyesus said that minimizing health risks is the most effective way to achieve the United Nations' sustainable development goals.
Speaking remotely to the 2nd Africa and 1st South-South Health Risk Reduction Conference that just took place in Morocco, WHO Director-General TedrosAdhanomGhebreyesus said that reducing health risks is the way to go. the most effective project to achieve the United Nations' sustainable development goals. "One of the most important choices is to protect human health, animals, and ecosystems," he said. "At the same time, we must bring services like water and sanitation to the more than 2 billion people living in poverty. inaccessible around the world".
Sharing with the press, President of the African Global Health Association (AGH) ImaneKendili emphasized that countries need to put aside differences to unite to solve urgent problems affecting the world. people's health. According to Dr. Kendili, AGH wishes to rely on the efforts of African countries and through recognition from ministers of many countries attending the event to turn that stance into action.
Dr. Patrick Luwaga, AGH ambassador to Uganda, told the press on the sidelines of the conference: "This is an extremely important event, attracting representatives from more than 80 countries not only in Africa but across the continents." different parts of the world, and the theme of the conference is also very important as it touches all aspects of life. And so if we can reduce the risks, we can address the majority of medical needs around the world. this world".
According to Dr. Luwaga, more than ever African countries must work together to identify their problems and find solutions to them, while also looking for other partners to support Africa in solving the problem. He said last year's first conference on reducing health risks was the beginning and that all were present in Marrakech for the second conference because they realized the importance of this issue. "We want to expand to address all issues related to minimizing health risks. And that's why AGH mobilized us in this effort. It's actually more than just a medical issue, It is also the environment, water resources, food security - which affects all of our lives from birth to death."
"We want to ensure that we are working towards achieving comprehensive and equitable health care coverage for people, so that wherever they are, they can access health care, quality health whenever and wherever they need it. That is a great call and we are working towards it," said AGH ambassador in Uganda. Mr. Luwaga is also the President of the Uganda Healthcare Federation (UHF), President of the HMO Association and a member of the Uganda National Health Insurance Task Force.
AGH - the main organizer of this conference is a non-governmental and non-profit organization established with the desire to connect experts from many African countries with a common vision of uniting experts and researchers. scientists, economists and health policy makers from across Africa to work together to reshape and design public health policies at a continental scale.
Source: ThanhNien Newspaper